Friday, November 21, 2014

We are Under Way Now!

Last night our home study social worker came for her visit.  It's nice to have that out of the way.  We have just about all of the paperwork done and turned in for our home study now. We're just waiting for a few things to come back, which we expect to come next week.  Our social worker thinks she'll have our home study done and ready soon!  We are excited to have that done and to move on to getting fingerprinted for immigration (my mind is baffled at why you need to do that for every adoption when your fingerprints are taken on a computerized system) and to completing all of our documents for our dossier that will go to China!  We're taking steps forward and that is exciting!
The paperwork for adoption feels like it is never ending and stresses me out every single time.

And I love this because I definitely don't think I lose weight during adoption processes- haha...I've had my share of chocolate the last month. :)

But this face makes it so worth it!